Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Factors that need to be taken into account

Explain the factors that need to be taken into account when assessing development BY sullRun CYPCore32 Promote child and young person development CYPCore32-1 Be able to assess the development needs of children or young people and prepare a development plan. CYPCore32-1. 1 Explain the factors that need to be taken into account when assessing development. When carrying out an assessment, there are a number of important factors that have to be taken into consideration.Before recording any information, permission should be obtained from the parents/ carers of the child and possibly even the child. This permission is normally obtained when the Policies and Permissions are signed as part of the contract of care. The information recorded should be appropriately shared with the parents/carers and other professionals who are involved with the care of the child e. g. physiotherapists, occupational therapists.Paper copies of the information should be kept secure in a ockable filing cabinet whil e digital data should be stored on a removable device that can be locked away or on a cloud based system that has appropriate security measures and can only be accessed by the childminder and possibly parents/carers. Care should be taken when observing the child and their feelings should be taken into account e. g. a child might become closed if they see a camera pointing at them or they feel that the personal space is being invaded. Ethnic, cultural and language backgrounds should be taken into account e. a family might be offended if a male is observing their child; or it might be difficult to understand a child who does not have English as their primary language. A practitioner should be aware that a child who is disabled or has special requirements might not be as developmentally advanced as other children e. g. a two year old who has suffered a stroke might have difficulty in walking or might only have full function in one arm. The information recorded should be based on accura te factual data obtained from your observations.Personal opinions should not be recorded as the data could be biased and effect future planning for the child. Children should not be compared against each other as one might be more advanced in some areas then the other and vice versa. Where two people are observing the same child at the same time, the data recorded can be more accurate. Observations should take place in a variety of locations over a period of time so as much information can be gained giving a bigger picture of the child's development.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Duplox Copiers Canada Limited Essay

Duplox Copiers Canada Limited is experiencing several severe issues that are affecting the profitability of the firm. The main issues at DCCL are: employee turnover is increasing, employee morale is low, and customer satisfaction has dropped while customer complaints have increased, and ultimately the biggest issue is revenue and profits have both decreased. From analyzing DCCL, it was determined that several strategic issues, including the current reward and compensation system, are having negative effects on employees, management, and the organization as a whole. The first major issue that DCCL is facing is an increase in employee turnover, particularly with the TSS’s. Turnover rates are high and DCCL is finding it difficult to keep their TSS’s in particular. This, in turn, is affecting the company’s ability to train and have TSS’s gain a required level of experience. The success of Duplox depends highly on the motivation and quality of work that the TSSs do. Because the TSS’s are the face of the company and involved in both the install of equipment as well as the servicing up equipment, it is imperative that customers have good experiences with the TSS’s. This is currently not occurring for as displayed in several instances. To begin, the TSS’s are experiencing a decline in  attitudes toward both their work and the company. Another major issue related to the TSS’s is that they seem to be struggling the most with maintaining a positive morale. TSS’s have little to no autonomy or ability to make any decisions on their own; everything is monitored and controlled by their supervisors. This is creating tension as they are being told what to do, even when company standards, such as safety, are not being met. When the machines are installed but do not meet safety standards, the equipment is suffering and is leading to more required maintenance and service calls. Customers are dissatisfied with having unreliable machines and the downtime associated with waiting for the TSS’s to make their service calls and this is causing an increase in complaints. Due to the fact that the TSS’s are constantly the ones who are dealing with customers face to face, they are taking the majority of the complaints and are being blamed for the constant need of maintenance on equipment. This is one major reason why the TSS’s are dealing with low morale. However, the TSS’s are not at fault in terms of installations that are not meeting safety standards; this issue is originating with the sales people. The sales people have a salary that only contributes to 50 % of their income, while the other 50 % is coming from how commission of sales. This is leading to the sales people forcing the closure of sales and not informing clients of safety standards that need to be changed prior to an installation. Compensation for TSS’s is also a factor that has become an issue for the organization. TSS’s are being given bonuses based on their productivity and their expense standards. Being given bonuses based on how efficient they are being in terms of their expense budget does not seem directly relatable to their job. Therefore, this is also causing tension and frustration for the TSS’s. Evaluation of their performance needs to be objective and relatable to what they are doing out in the field in terms of installations and service calls. Most of these issues can be related to the managerial style that is being conducted at DCCL. There is very little opportunity for employees to be able to make their own decisions. The structure is set up in a classical managerial style which is very controlling. Many of the issues the organization is experiencing can be attributed to the style of management which is not facilitating a healthy work environment for employees. Section B We feel that the structure of the company is fine, but feel that the solutions lay in redefining the job descriptions and also reworking the compensation strategy to better reflect the goals of the company and how they expect to be successful. However, eliminating the FSM position will occur, because it creates many redundancies in how the TSS’s operate. Changing the compensation strategy of the sales reps is of the utmost importance, because as it stands, they are just pushing as many new installations as possible, since they are rewarded per number of installation. This means that some of the installations are occurring in places that do not conform to company standards on space, ventilation, and wiring. This is causing more and more breakdowns, which in turn leads to many more service calls for the TSSs. Another major issue that needs to change is the managerial style. Currently, DCCL is operating in a classical managerial style. This has caused problems from poor communication, lack of motivation, low job satisfaction, and increased employee turnover rates. In order for DCCL to change their managerial style, they need to re-evaluate which style would work best. We believe that DCCL will excel with a shift to a human relations managerial style; this will allow for more autonomy and individual responsibility from employees, while still allowing managers to retain a level of control. Currently, managers are having to make every decisions and also supervise employees, such as the TSS’s, to an extreme degree. In order to have managers adopt a new managerial style focused more on human relations, a company meeting must be held. In this meeting, the issues that have come from the current managerial style would be outlined and this would be followed by a proposition for change. With a new managerial style, employees such as the TSS’s may become more motivated as they will have more responsibility and autonomy to operate on their own. In order to allow the TSS’s to operate more efficiently and with more autonomy, eliminating the position of FSM seems the best choice. The FSM often just acts as a middleman, whether it be relaying on the message to order a part, or relaying on information from the Training/Support Specialist. As a result, job descriptions for Training/Support Specialist and also Branch Service Manager will be redesigned. Both revisions are as below: Training/Support Specialist Under the direction of the Director of Technical Training and Support, develops and conducts technical training programs for Technical Support Specialists for a given Model series. Provides direct support to Technical Service Specialists via telephone or email to deal with complex problems for this model series. Assists Sales Training Specialists in the Marketing Department with preparation of training materials and programs for sales representatives. Branch Service Manager Under the general supervision of the Regional Service Manager, manages the installation and servicing of company products at that branch. Supervises field service managers and ensures that budgeted service revenue and cost targets are achieved for the branch. Monitors TSS expense reports to ensure efficient travel and repair costs. Evaluates current policies, procedures, and practices for achieving regional objectives and implements improved policies, procedures, and practices. Responsible for selection, training, evaluation, coaching, promotion, transfer, or discharge of field service managers, technical service specialists, and service clerks. Supervises service clerks and, in conjunction with the Manager of Branch Inventories, the Branch Inventory Clerk. In conjunction with the Branch Sales Manager, oversees the administration of the branch. The TSS’s are another point of concern, as many of the issues that are plaguing DCCL originate from these employees. However, it is not the fault of the TSS’s, but rather the structural system, combined with the job description and tasks given to the TSS’s. Having little to no ability to make their own decisions, the TSS’s have experienced a difficulty in staying motivated. Constant need to report to their supervisors makes it difficult for work to flow easily. Customers also focus their frustrations towards the TSS’s, as they are the ones who the customers see on a consistent basis. When new parts are needed to be ordered, the TSS’s must inform their supervisor so that they can order a new part, rather than just being able to place the order for the part themselves. The job description of the TSS’s will be revised as follows: TSS 1 TSS 1 will perform routine product installations and product servicing for all products within the Model series (1000, 2000, 3000, or 4000). Assists TSS 2 and 3 in complex product installations, breakdowns and overhauls. Orders new parts for installations when required directly from the main warehouse. Effectively manage expenses regarding repairs and travel in accordance with company policies. TSS 2 TSS 2 will perform complex product installations, repair of product breakdowns and malfunctions, and adjustment problems for all products in their model series (1000, 2000, 3000, or 4000). Supervises and trains TSS 1 in these functions and performs the initial on-the-job training for TSS 1 as required. Assists TSS 3 in major malfunctions and with major product overhauls. Effectively manage expenses regarding repairs and travel in accordance with company policies. TSS 3 TSS 3 will perform complex product installations, repair of major product breakdowns and malfunctions, adjustment of complex quality problems, and complex overhauls for all products in their model series (1000, 2000, 3000, or 4000). Supervises and trains TSS 2 in these functions. With collaboration from the Field Services Manager, may assist sales representatives in identification of the technical configuration of equipment that best suits customer needs. Effectively manage expenses regarding repairs and travel in accordance with company policies. Section C In order to account for different desired behaviours for different positions, it is necessary to group different jobs in job families. When grouping the jobs, we assessed job descriptions to group jobs that have similar descriptions and tasks, require similar knowledge, and are at similar levels in the company.  The following section outlines the Compensation Strategy Formulation Process. For each step in the process (required behaviour, role of compensation, compensation mix, and compensation level) we will outline how it will relate to each job family. Define the required Behaviour The number one behavior that will help DCCL is task behavior, which is when employees perform the tasks that have been assigned to them. One of the main  issues now is the disconnect between the sales people and the TSS’s. The sales people leave out important information, such as how crucial ventilation is to the machine, and as a result, the TSS’s are slammed with preventable service calls. The failure and breakdown rate caused by customers not being informed about what may be required to have the machine fit in their office. As a result, the breakdown and failure rate is higher than it should be, and is giving a bad reputation to the company. So by having more task behavior, the theories and rules, such as TSS’s refusing to do installs that do not meet specifications, or sales reps telling customers what alterations are necessary to have their machine perform optimally, even if it is a costly alteration. Compensation strategy will also influence a change in t he Director’s and manager’s behaviour. By changing their behaviour to citizen behaviour, more cooperation will occur between them and those working beneath them. Facilitating communication between positions will help DCCL become more productive. One way this will occur is that managers will work with the TSS’s, rather than commanding them on what they need to do. This will allow for opportunity to talk with one another on a more equal level and allow the TSS’s to voice concerns and communicate any ideas that they may have. Facilitators in the organization need to have membership behaviour and the compensation strategy will reflect this. Membership behaviour leads an employee to have a commitment to the organization allowing them to grow and prosper within that company. Having employees with membership behaviour also helps reduce turnover rates. Define the role of Compensation The role of compensation for DCCL will be to encourage employees to remain with the company, thus lowering the turnover. DCCL needs a compensation strategy that encourages employees to remain with the company, as turnover rates have been rising. It is expensive to replace employees, especially ones that require a great deal of training, like the TSS’s. Any facilitators as well need to be able to remain with the company, and may look for higher compensation. The employees, who have the ability to be trained and are hired with little required skill, can allow an organization to pay a lower compensation. However, the required behaviour of a certain position can affect the level of compensation that an employee may be seeking, as  motivational factors vary dependent on position. The salespeople are currently motived by a large compensation strategy that pays 50% of the salary and the rest is commissioned based. This is proving to be detrimental to the organization and must be adjusted so that these employees rely less on pure number of sales, this in turn allow them to make the proper sales to customers with environments that meet company specifications. Determine the compensation mix As behaviours and compensation are identified, a compensation mix of components will determine how effective the organization will be in eliciting behaviours in the most effective and efficient way. For the directors and managers, they will be compensated primarily on base pay. Performance pay will come from how well they are managing those beneath them, but will make up a smaller portion of their overall salary. The foundation for their base pay will be based on job evaluation as they are ones who have to ensure the organization is operating in an efficient manner. Director and managers will have the opportunity to receive benefits such as having a profit sharing incentive. Managers and other employees that are motivated by membership behaviour will have this option to have a share of the organization as their membership behaviour promotes commitment to the organization. The sales department are given a base pay based on job evaluation. Since their duty is to increase sales for the organization, those who sell more should receive pay based on their performance. Also, their commission for each sale should be less than what it currently is as it is proving to be a point of concern as they are selling without regard to whether the sale is being done correctly. Any performance pay should be linked as a group because this will eliminate any sort of unhealthy competition and promote the sales team to work together and accomplish sales. Facilitator and Tech are all based on pay for knowledge. Their base pay will be compensated based on their expanse of knowledge and their ability to diagnose problems that others are unable to do. As mentioned, these employees need to have membership behaviour because it is difficult to hire a specialist with the required knowledge. The longer they are with the organization, the more valuable they become because they spend time learning and gaining experience. This allows them to have indiv idual performance pay. Determine the compensation level Lagging, leading, or matching the market is the last step in determining compensation levels. For each job position there can be variation in terms of whether that position will lead, lag, or match the market. The directors and managers will be compensated at a level that is slightly above the market. In order to attract qualified and successful managers, offering above the market may attract those who feel they have an advantage in terms of their qualifications and are seeking something that compensates above average. Although it may cost the company more money, having a qualified and successful manager can improve an organization’s productivity which can be priceless. The sales department will match the market at base pay, but they will have the opportunity to earn group performance pay that would be higher than the market. As for the Facilitators and Techs, they will be compensated above the market. Since the market that DCCL is operating in is very competitive, it is important to attract qualified and effective Facilitators to give the organization an advantage over competitors. By having a compensation level that pays above the market, Facilitators will want to work for DCCL and remain with DCCL, which helps in promoting the required membership behaviour. From analyzing DCCL, we have concluded that the directors, managers, and the sales department all fall under the job evaluation system. For directors, there are a few compensable factors; education, experience, knowledge, mental effort, decision making, consequences of mistakes, supervisory responsibility, and employee relations. For education, a degree and business with a specialization of leadership and management or equivalent is desired as well as four years’ experience in a managerial or director role. They must have adequate knowledge of the industry from a previous position within the company or competitor is desired. The ability to make difficult decisions and not get stressed from the mental effort required. Able to handle the consequences and fix any mistakes made from a poor decision. Lastly, able to relate to employees while maintaining adequate supervisory responsibilities to ensure productivity, efficiency, and any safety issues as well. Managers have similar compensable factors to that of directors. These factors are as follows: education, experience, mental effort, decision making, supervisory responsibility, employee relations, and knowledge. For education, a degree and business with a specialization of leadership and management or equivalent is desired as well as two years’ experience in a managerial or director role. Education must be a postsecondary degree with a specialization in management or human relations. Experience of two years in a managerial context is required as well. The ability to make decisions is essential and to make them with confidence. Must be able to manage and supervise employees with respect to garner cooperation and productivity. Salespeople also fall under the job evaluation plan and their compensable factors are: human relations, friendliness, trustworthiness, interpersonal skills, communication skills, education, experience, and contact with  customers and clients. Salespeople must have postsecondary education along with two years’ experience in sales of some sort. Being able to relate to customers and clients while maintaining a friendly outlook and to be seen as trustworthy is essential. Also, must have the ability to communicate fluently and clearly as well as have knowledge of a second language is desired.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Biological agents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Biological agents - Essay Example National response framework is built upon scalable, flexible and adaptable coordinating structures to align key role and responsibilities across the nation. The private sector performs essential service missions in times of need. They provide shelter, emergency food supplies among other vital services. The framework incorporates standardized organizational structures that promote on- scene initiative, innovation and sharing of resources and information. The framework promotes quick assessment and response to incidences that require federal assistance. When dealing with any potential terrorist attack, past occurrence has taught that the first necessary task is to make safe the area and determine the nature and severity of the threat. Particularly in the past few years, several instances have been reported when a secondary device has been targeted at emergency responders or armed secondary assault has been perpetrated by offenders, in an attempt to harm or kill rescuers and disrupt emergency operations. Deploying countermeasures along pathways to reduce the threat of a terrorist attack is nothing new. The pathway to a commercial airline trip requires one to pass through a Transportation Security Administration screening checkpoint. Rain concept stresses the need for safe management of biological attack by involving all the necessary institution of the United States. The federal law is put in place to ensure that the rights of the citizens are taken into consideration while dealing with biological threats.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Organisation law case study Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Organisation law case study - Research Paper Example This clearly indicates the intention of Yana and Su to promote their own company’s interests rather than the interests of Free Spirit Pty Ltd. Yana Yana is an executive director of the company. To determine whether she had fulfilled the obligations as a director, prescribed by the provisions of the Corporations Act 2001 and the common law, the following issues have been taken up for discussion. The Corporations Act 2001 requires directors to exercise due care and diligence during the discharge of their duties towards the company. This has been specified under Section 180 of this Act. Such due care entails protecting the interests of creditors and the interests of the shareholders when the company is expecting to become insolvent. This was held in the Credit Lyonnais case (Keay & Zhang, 2008, p. 142). The duties of company’s directors are specified under Sections 180 to 184 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Muscillo, 2009). Section 180 of this act protects directors who take decisions in good faith and for a proper purpose or when they reasonably believe that their decision will further the best interests of the company (Tesarsch and Tiller, 2010). It is incumbent upon directors to act solely for the bona fide purposes of a company. This was the gist of the ruling in Howard Smith Ltd v Ampol Ltd (1974). A director is liable if he relies on the information provided by others and as a result fails to notice mismanagement in the conduct of company affairs. Whenever there is an attempt to embark upon a very risky venture, directors of the company are required to be sufficiently circumspect. This was the ruling in Daniels v Anderson (1995). As such, in Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Macdonald (2009), the Supreme Court of New South Wales had to determine if a breach of duty toward their company had been committed by the officers and company directors of James Hardie Industries Ltd. In particular it was to be ascertained whether the duty o f care and diligence stipulated in Section 180(1) of the Corporations Act 2001 had been breached due to the provision of a defective media statement to the Australian Securities Exchange regarding the ability of the company to meet certain future liabilities (Hargovan, 2009, p. 986).The Supreme Court ruled that these directors and officers of the company had breached their duty of care. In addition, the court also held the company in breach of its statutory obligations under the continuous disclosure provisions. A director has to comply with the requirements of the business judgement rule in order to obtain protection under Section 180 (2). As Yana had acted in a manner that was detrimental to the interests of the company, she cannot resort to such defence. She had purchased sports equipment at a higher price from her own company, and this clearly indicates the absence of loyalty and due care on the part of Yana. She has decided to expand the business of the company, Free Spirit Pty Ltd, to Alaska without assessing the legal and financial aspects of the company in that area in the future. Yana has breached the duties of good faith and due diligence, as per the provisions of the Corporations Act. She cannot evade liability for violation of the provisions of fiduciary duties of directors under the Corporations Act and common law. As per the decided case law, she is liable for breach of fiduciary duties, due care and diligence. Su Su is the finance director of the company Free Spirit Pty Lt

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Without Prejudice--zhang Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Without Prejudice--zhang - Essay Example The theory that applies the most to the TV show, â€Å"Without Prejudice,† is Judee Burgoon’s Expectation Violations Theory (EVT). The process of choosing someone to give $25,000 is based on expectancy, violation valence, and communicator reward valence. Violation valence refers to positive or negative values placed on particular unexpected behaviors. Communicator reward valence refers to the positive or negative attributes put into the encounter and the potential to reward or punish the behavior. The judges in the show had expectancy or expectations regarding communicator characteristics, which are basically comprised of demographics (i.e. race, age, educational background, gender and social class), physical appearance, personality and communication style. The judges made first impressions from how the candidates presented themselves through saying their names and where they are from, which their communicator characteristics affected. Dave, for instance, judged that Jo hn did not seem to need the money because of his physical demeanor. RJ would not give the money to Nancy at first because she is already old. Their prejudice on people’s age and physical characteristics affected their reward valence. The show also demonstrated violation valence and communicator reward valence. JJ showed positive facial expression when she learned that Jack was a Marine, which gave positive valence to Jack. However, when Jack revealed that after his service he got involved in the porn industry, JJ changed the valence into a negative one. Jack’s porn activities violated JJ’s expectancy from him as a changed man, since he became a soldier already. Communicator reward valence resulted to JJ’s judgment that Jack does not deserve $25,000 because his work is â€Å"disgusting.† Learning that Jack is in the porn industry also earned him a negative

Friday, July 26, 2019

How did George M. Fredrickson recalculate the definition of Essay

How did George M. Fredrickson recalculate the definition of self-evident truth - Essay Example Fredrickson highlights that in the early years of the United States revolution, racism was based on dominant whites who were superior, and lower class blacks, Indians and Asian communities who were inferior. However, this changed over time and people were further distinguished with their faiths and cultures (Fredrickson). This moved racism to a level of distinguishing people on their natural characteristics and abilities that affected their American citizenship status. This paper will highlight the recalculation of the definition of self-evident truth from the works of Thomas Jefferson and John Locke. The works of john Jefferson have been renowned for the famous philosophy of the self-evident truth. This developed in the political revolution of the United States towards independence from the British, and the main emphasis was equality of all men. This term was first used in writing of the declaration of independence, which was a document that signified unity of the country. The purpo se of the document according to him was to unite the country into one shared philosophy of the ‘American Mind’. This is regarded as one of the foundations of American Revolution because it changed the politics of the country (Cannole). Jefferson’s definition of self-evident truth Jefferson argued that politics is the band that would equally unite all the people in the country and assume powers over it (Cannole). He alluded to the philosophy of upholding natural laws which were bestowed by God to every individual and respect for every person’s opinions. The definition of self-evident truth was centered on the natural understanding that God created all men equally because they have equal natural rights to life, liberty and happiness (Cannole). These natural rights were what Jefferson referred to as Self-evident truth because there was no need of proofing these rights. In addition, activists had also advocated for them, and people in the country knew them. Fu rther, these philosophies were being taught in religions such as Christianity where all men were said to be equal (Cannole). Jefferson related the self-evident truth with governance by stating that the people formed governments and its power came from them too. The government formed on this belief would be mandated to secure the natural rights of the people, which are self-evident. Failure to safeguard the self-evident truth will lead to dissolution on the government since it does not serve the purpose. This philosophy was intended to change the political landscape of the country from British colonization and oppression such as slavery, discrimination and injustice. The dominant and in-dominant groups Discrimination of people into races in the country was prevalent during the revolution, and the whites were said to be the dominant groups and the rest were referred to as in-dominant or subordinate groups. They were divided in classes and status where a hierarchy existed. Fields highl ights that the dominant groups secure huge shares of power and money while subordinate groups receive unfavorable things, and they have a hierarchy (95). The dominant and subordinate groups existed in the British Northern American colonies, and the British extorted the Native American and black people through slavery in tobacco farms which benefited the whites. The Native American

Researching Cancer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Researching Cancer - Essay Example al, 2005). However, sometimes the breast cells, which are especially sensitive to cancer causing agents (carcinogens), may change to abnormal cells that multiply out of control, causing cancer. Researchers suspect that interaction between estrogen and certain cyclins like cyclin-D1 can stimulate cell division (Clark et. al, 2005). They have also found that over-expression of the growth factor TGF-alpha can also trigger increased cell division in breast cells (Clark et. al, 2005). Unlike other type of breast cancers which present itself with a breast lump, IBC grows quickly in the narrow lymph vessels of the breast. The rapidly increasing breast cancer cells block the local lymphatic ducts in the breast, which is responsible for draining the waste, bacteria, viruses, excess and impurities from each part of the body and also help to carry useful white blood cells or lymphocytes and large proteins to the circulatory system (Virtual Medical Center, 2010). This restriction in drainage causes edematous swelling of the breast and nipple retraction (Virtual Medical Center, 2010). The IBC usually grows in nests or sheets and therefore, it can be diffuse throughout the breast with no palpable mass (Anderson, 2006). In inflammatory breast cancer, the cancer cells occupy large portions of the breast within a period of few weeks to months. Accumulation of the lymphatic fluid gives the skin of the breast a dimpled appearance like that of an orange peel (peau d’orange) (Life Extension, 1995). Other symptoms include rapid increase in breast size, redness, persistent itching and the skin feels hot to touch (Life Extension, 1995). IBC progresses rapidly and therefore it is not generally diagnosed until it is in Stage III or Stage IV, when the signs like edematous swelling of the breast, muscle aches and pains become more prominent (Rahn, 2006). This advanced and accelerated form of breast cancer cannot be usually detected by mammograms or ultrasounds (Life

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Progressive Era Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Progressive Era - Essay Example The middle class, frightened by the economic unrest of the 1890's and the actions of giant business organizations, was more willing to accept progressive reforms than it had been earlier. After the quick victory in the Spanish-American War, there was a new feeling of confidence in the nation=s future. Progressivism had many aims. The general aims of Progressivism were as follows: to extend political democracy by shifting control of government from the political bosses and powerful industrialists to the people; to curb the power of big businessmen, in order to give greater economic opportunities to small business and labor; and to eliminate the social ills of society through needed reforms. Although the aims of Progressivism were shared by all Progressivists, support came from many different groups. Progressives came from both major parties, as well as from minor or third parties. Important political leaders in the movement included Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, and Governors Robert La Follette, Charles Evans Hughes, and Hiram Johnson. Support came from the farm, because the farmers wanted their problems to be recognized. Support came from artists and writers, who wrote stories about social ills. Progressivism accomplished many things. Political democracy was extended by initiative, referendum, recall, and the short ballot. The Seventeenth Amendment was passed and provided for the direct election of U.S. Senators. The Nineteenth Amendment gave the franchise to women to permit the selection of party candidates by registered voters. Many limitations and restrictions were placed on trusts. Monopolies were prosecuted and the Clayton Act was passed. The Federal Trade Commission Act was passed as well. Many laws which safeguarded labor and the public were enacted. More adequate factory and building inspection codes were adopted, greater provisions were made for sanitation and public health, and Congress enacted the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act which further improved the quality of foods. Perhaps the most dangerous beliefs of the progressive era may be the uncritical acceptance of the power of state to coerce individual behavior. The idea of individuality, which is vital for democracy, seemed, at times, to be threatened. This acceptance of the government's control over its nation's individuality opened the door for the surge of socialist views. The idea of a 'cooperative commonwealth' began to take it's roots in American society. (Dittmer, 12-22) Such socialist ideas and government control over individual behavior was very easy to sell to the poor working class, which made up a high percentage of America, who had become over-burdened by capitalist oppression. The government's ability to gain strength was looked upon by this class as the only way to control the overpowering private sector, which were the big-businesses. As Wilson stated 'Our duty [government] is to cleanse, to reconsider, to restore, to correct the evil without impairing the good, to purify and humaniz e every process of our common life without weakening or sentimentalizing it.' .In the idea of government controlling 'every process of our common life' lies a great danger; the control of government lying in the hands of the people, not the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Federal Acts Affecting MIS Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Federal Acts Affecting MIS - Research Paper Example For instance, this act forces the cable operators and service providers to provide a printed guideline containing information on public privacy whenever a connection is issued to a person. This act increased the customers’ confidence by ensuring a great deal of privacy and security of their information. On the other hand, this act forced the cable operators not to disclose their customers’ information as well as get approval of the customer prior to making use of their information. In this scenario, this act has offered an excellent support for ensuring the security of customer data (PUBLIC ACCESS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION, n.d; University of Miami School of Medicine, 2005). The telephone consumer protection act (TCPA) was introduced in 1991 and it was aimed at making sure that people are not pressurized by telemarketers as well as have the facility to avoid. Additionally, it also allows people to restrict autodialed calls that have the capability to connect two or more lines of a traditional communication structure of multi-line business. In addition, this act also ensures that the customers do not get unwanted publicity material via faxes connected to the personal telephone. Moreover, this act is an excellent solution for dealing with telephone technology abuse. Furthermore, this act also allows customers to ensure the safety of their personal information and data (Aydenemma, 2012; FCC, 2012; American Teleservices Association, 2012; Direct Marketing Association,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Strategy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Strategy - Case Study Example erative pillar for economic development companies operating in Qatar; it deals with three major issues: The first is to facilitate sound economic management through five major approaches as in: To facilitate cooperation with Arab regional states as well as the Gulf Cooperation Council States thereby promoting the establishment of trade relations and reduction of financial crisis. The other approach is to facilitate competition in the international market by opening flexible economic structures. Moreover, sustained economic management shall be achieved by creating structures that attract foreign investors in Qatar. In addition, the vision aims to achieve sustained economic management through reducing inflation thus creating a stable economic growth. Qatari government also aspires to provide sustained economic growth condition to ensure that it provides high standards of living. The economic pillar also aspires to facilitate responsible ways of oil exploration and gas in Qatar. This shall be achieved through four different sustainable exploration methods. Additionally the economic pillar is also geared towards promoting suitable economic diversification. This is expected to reduce the country’s dependency rate on some of its natural resources such as hydrocarbons; it shall also be achieved through empowering the private sector hence improving their competitive advantage. Another pillar of the Qatar vision 2030 that may be applied to facilitate economic development is the Human Development Pillar. The Qatari government recognizes that effective economic development can only be achieved through proper human capital development. In this regard, the human development pillar focuses on three issues: Provision of world class education among the Qatari populace thereby improving their skills to undertake economic development activities; provision of world class healthcare services to the Qatari populace and improving the capacity of the Qatari populace to participate in

Monday, July 22, 2019

Two Gallants by James Joyce Essay Example for Free

Two Gallants by James Joyce Essay James Joyce’s story â€Å"Two Gallants† presents a colorful presentation of Ireland through the use of words, and their combination with other words to form vivid phrases, throughout the story. It can also be said that the symbolisms in the story, through the aid of the pairing of words and adjectives, are quite easily observable in the sense that, as a whole, the story presents several ironies in the lives of individuals who live their lives close to those of average individuals. The presentation of imagery throughout the story is as compelling as it is also poignant.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Right at the opening lines of the story, it can already be noticed that the author is trying to establish a portrait of the setting. With the line â€Å"the grey warm evening of August† already suggests the feeling of sobriety amid a warm evening to the point of being close to dullness as it sets the mood for the proceeding paragraphs in the story. The color ‘grey’ suggests the fine line between white and black, which all the more makes sense when added with the line ‘warm evening in August’, thus implying the feeling that the characters in the story are just about to commence with what they have in mind just about when the evening sets in.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first paragraph of the story obviously establishes the mood of the setting, notable with the author’s use of the lines â€Å"a mild, warm air, a memory of summer, circulated in the streets† which suggests that summer has been over although there is still the feeling of summer around the area, and the author’s comparison of the shining lamps to that of â€Å"illumined pearls† is a metaphor which adds not only color but also a certain ‘feel’ of the setting. The same can also be said about the author’s description of the street which can be observed from the description of the author in which the light from the lamps change â€Å"shape and hue unceasingly† as the streets are â€Å"swarmed with a gaily colored crowd.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author also provides an interesting initial description of Corley and Lenehan, the two main characters in the story. Lenehan was described as someone who â€Å"wore an amused listening face† while Corley was about to conclude his long monologue. The eyes of Lenehan were â€Å"twinkling with cunning enjoyment† as he listened to Corley’s stretch of narrative. It can be said that the choice of words of the author in partially describing the characters are, at the least, vivid and vibrant. The use of the words â€Å"twinkling† and â€Å"amused† to describe the eyes and the face of the characters respectively tells us more than what can apparently be said about the descriptions. The words transcend beyond mere description as they give a different kind of meaning or characteristic to the face and eyes of Lenehan and Corley respectively. A â€Å"listening face†, for the most part, tell us that Lenehan was very attentive to the narrative of Corley precisely because the former did not only listen with his ears but with his amused face.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another interesting part where the author describes Lenehan is the part where the author compares Lenehan to a â€Å"leech†, as that was the character’s social reputation. That is the part where the author’s choice of a term that will best befit the character of Lenehan tells us the extend of the imagination of the author, reflecting the depth of the skills of James Joyce in selecting words that do not only have deep metaphorical values but also have social relevance. That being said, the imagery of the character of Lenehan is already summarized right after the author described him as a leech because, for all we know, a leech sucks blood or life out of others. In essence, the term â€Å"leech† to describe Lenehan was already a huge and provocative statement in itself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the other hand, the author’s presentation of the image of Corley is equally amusing as it is vivid and describes the character in a crafty manner. Joyce describes Corley as the son of a police inspector, who has â€Å"large, globular and oily† head which â€Å"sweated in all weathers†. The words used by the author to ‘illustrate’ the image of Corley is amusing simply because of the words â€Å"globular† and â€Å"oily†, which also suggests that, indeed, Joyce is an author who makes sense out of words which are considered to be out of the ordinary in describing individuals in real life situations. That observation only leads us to the observation that Joyce is indeed focused on writing a story that is very well within the bounds of good literature. To describe a person’s head as â€Å"globular† and â€Å"oily† is also a statement in itself as those two words already give the reader a specific mental image of what Corley looks like. The choice of words illustrates all the more the capacity of the author to turn words into powerful adjectives.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Among the lists of the presentation of imagery in the story include but is not limited to the â€Å"large faint moon circled with a double halo,† and the â€Å"pale disc of the moon† which became â€Å"veiled† and appeared to â€Å"meditate†. Seldom can one encounter these descriptions of the moon at nighttime largely because the interest to describe the surroundings is either usually observed in the literary world or in rare occasions of the sudden outburst of one’s imagination in real life cases. Indeed, Joyce once again delivers the literary touch in terms of diction and presentation of imagery, correlating the features of short story with that of the experience of the characters which seem to linger between reality and fantasy. By describing the moon as a large, pale and faint disc surrounded by a double halo while appearing to meditate, the portrayal of the moon comes in ‘full circle’. The moon is depicted not merely as an inanimate object floating in the night sky but as an object which appears to meditate; a description which is characteristic among individuals who seek comfort in silence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Joyce’s method of using words that usually relate to the activities of living humans to an inanimate object is reflective of ‘personification’. By combining the words which can rightfully describe inanimate objects to that of a word which is largely attributed to animate objects gives the reader the feeling that the inanimate object, which in this case is the moon, appears before Lenehan as an object which is both animate and inanimate—a seeming paradox. Nonetheless, this seeming paradox is understandable as it is one which is aimed at presenting an imagery which is not strictly or solely confined within the bounds of real possibilities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is a part in the story where the movement of Corley’s head is described as swinging â€Å"to and fro as if to toss aside an insistent insect† while Corley’s â€Å"brows gathered†. The description of the movement of Corley’s head gives the reader the feeling that, while reading and imagining the action of Corley simultaneously in one’s imagination, the shaking of the head must have been swift and forceful â€Å"as if to toss aside an insistent insect†. It gives the reader the impression that Corley was irritated while his â€Å"brows gathered†, suggesting that he was also showing signs of doubt pressed with a lingering hesitation or reservation somewhere in his mind. Indeed, Joyce’s use of diction in this part clearly highlights the author’s efforts to give life to what can be considered as a character in print. It ‘animates’, so to speak, a character w hich is technically inanimate.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   More importantly, the various names of streets mentioned in the story all point to the Irish-Catholic Dubliners with the English, sending the reader the impression upon closer examination that the story operates within the background of an Irish and English perspectives. It can also be observed that the story makes certain references to certain colors, such as blue and white in describing what the housekeeper was wearing. The colors blue and white can be attributed to the colors of the dress of the Virgin Mary, which again creates a paradox precisely because the housekeeper who Corley went with is not a virgin in the strictest sense of the word. Thus, the choice of words of the author of the story is not merely based on the fancy of the mind or in random choosing of colors. Rather, and more importantly, the colors chosen were selected to signify socially, or religiously relevant criticisms.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To a certain extent, it can be said that the criticism that Joyce is trying to impress upon the reader with the colors blue and white is the idea that the Irish society during those times, especially the religious church, has failed in maintaining the moral and religious foundations of the people in many ways. Joyce gives the chilling idea that from where the church has failed, the people have picked on those failings to do about their dealings with others. Corley, Lenehan and the woman housekeeper are examples to illustrate that point in the story.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is important to note that the â€Å"Two Gallants† gives us a fine look into James Joyce’s ability to flesh out words and use them to bring characters to life, to make inanimate objects turn into animate creatures, and to make social criticisms. The presentation of imagery throughout the story is vivid and vibrant which is met by Joyce through his artistry with diction and in using that diction as a means to create a story with a sensible plot, one that goes beyond the pages and reflects the society during that time. Work Cited Joyce, James. Two Gallants.   Dubliners. Prestwick House, Inc., 2006. 41-50.

Drug trafficking Essay Example for Free

Drug trafficking Essay What do you think the crime that occurs the most in the world is? Is it gang related activity? Prostitution maybe? The answer to this question is drugs and drug trafficking. If we make drug legal, will drug trafficking stop? In this essay I will talk about the perspectives of countries on drug trafficking. Firstly, what is drug trafficking? Drug trafficking is the production and distribution of drugs around the world through specific routes. The drugs commonly traded are cocaine, heroin, opium and marijuana. Even though drug trafficking is illegal in lots of countries, people still do it for the same reason, the need for money. The job is also quite easy so it’s easy money, and it’s also very profitable, but they face a lot of danger getting caught and put into prison. The consequences vary but the punishment will be severe enough to discourage the seller from selling drugs. Drugs’ trafficking is already highly illegal by itself, but this crime also relates to many other crimes such as murder, assault and kidnapping. Drug trafficking is punished much more strictly. The first country that is famous for drug trafficking is Afghanistan, famous for its opium. More than 90% of the world’s opium is produced in Afghanistan. This type of drug is commonly traded in the â€Å"Golden Crescent†, the name given to the area of opium production covering three countries, Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan. The reason why opium trades in Afghanistan is because 70% of Afghanistan’s government is involved in opium trafficking. More than a dozen governors are part of the process of opium’s production and distribution.(April 3, 2009,Addiction Blogger, the good drugs guide) The second country which is famous for drugs is Mexico. Famous for its marijuana and methamphetamine. There are 4 major drug cartels in Mexico, the Gulf, Juarez, Tijuana and the biggest one, the Sinaloa drug cartel owned by Joaquin Guzman, the 701th richest man in the world. These 4 areas are the places where cocaine from America and marijuana from Mexico is distributed and traded. 90% of the cocaine that enters U.S.A goes through Mexico. Mexico is also a main supplier of marijuana and meth for the U.S. These cartels are getting more wealthy and powerful every year. There is also a drug war in Mexico, causing thousands of death between rival drug cartels. (April 3, 2009,Addiction Blogger, the good drugs guide) The third and last country that is famous for the drug industry that I’m going to talk about is Bolivia. Bolivia is ranked third for cocaine production, after Peru and Colombia. This country has 28,900 hectares of its land farming cocaine, double what Bolivian law allows. The reason why this is not a worry for the government is because the current president, Evo Morales was the head of the â€Å"Cocaine growers association† before he became the president. Apart from being a top cocaine producer, Bolivia is assuming the role of a major transit point for cocaine shipments from Peru to Brazil. (April 3, 2009,Addiction Blogger, the good drugs guide) Drugs do not have much value alone. If you make them illegal, this gives them a huge â€Å"price support† to drug sellers/traffickers. They make very big profits, and so they need violence and corruption as protection. This is why the gangs are so ruthless. The only way to stop drug trafficking is to legalize it. If drugs are legal, we can tax them. The corrupt banks and companies who do not pay tax and support the drug industry would have to start paying tax. Then we might catch some criminals. The government spends a lot of money to stop trafficking. If it stop they can use these thousands of millions of dollars for social support. Then not so many people will die of overdoses.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Intelligent Agents Characteristics

Intelligent Agents Characteristics Report on Intelligent Agents Methodology The research for this report was done using the various books from the library, Internet sites and computer magazines. Introduction The uses of intelligent agents within the home and in businesses have increased dramatically over the years. Intelligent agents are a part of a program that carries out a task unsupervised and applies some degree of intelligence to the task. New and improved intelligent agents are constantly being designed and produced to carry out numerous repetitive and predictable tasks. One definition of an intelligent agent, as described by states â€Å"an intelligent agent perceives its environment via sensors and acts rationally upon that environment with its effectors. Hence, an intelligent agent gets percepts one at a time and maps this percept into actions† In his book, Essentials of Management Information Systems, Kenneth Laudon describes an intelligent agent as being â€Å"software programs that work in the background to carry out specific, repetitive and predictable tasks for an individual user business or software application†. The design and production of an intelligent agent has to take into consideration numerous factors. This report takes a look at these considerations and factors and provides and insight into how intelligent agents are influencing businesses and society as a whole. Findings Agent Characteristics Intelligent agents have four main characteristics: â€Å"An agent is a computer software system whose characteristics are situatedness, autonomy, adapitvity and sociability.† Situatedness When an Agent receives some form of sensory input from its environment, it then performs some actions that change its environment in some way. Autonomy This agent characteristic means that an agent is able to act without direct intervention from humans or other agents. This type of agent has almost complete control over it own actions and internal state. Adapitvity This agent characteristic means that it is capable of reacting flexibly to changes within its environment. It is able to accept goal directed initiatives when appropriate and is also capable of learning from its own experiences, environment and interaction with others. Sociability This type of characteristic means that the agent is capable of interacting in a peer-to-peer manner with other agents or humans. Design Considerations One of the most important aspects of intelligent agents is the design of the actual agent. The agent needs to be able to fulfil the tasks that are required from it, i.e. to achieve its goals. There are four main aspects that need to be taken into consideration when designing an intelligent agent. Percepts This is the information that the agent receives Actions This is what the agent needs to do or can do to achieve its objectives. Goals This is the factor that the agent is trying to achieve Environment The final aspect is the environment in which the agent will be working in. The environment in which the agent performs is probably the most important aspect that needs to be considered as this affects the outcome of the percepts, actions and goals. Different Approaches to Agent Design From the agent characteristics and design considerations come four different approaches to intelligent agent design. Simple Reflex Agents Simple reflex agents are the most basic form of intelligent agent. They are simple minded, direct connections between percepts and actions. Reflex Agents with Internal State Reflex agents with internal state are similar to the Simple reflex agents except they remember the state of the environment as contained in earlier percepts. As the agents sensors do not provide a detailed account of the environment at each input, a perception of the environment is captured over a period of time that provided further information to the agent and enables it to provide better results. Goal Based Agents For a goal based agent, the agent must know more than the current state of the environment, they must know the full requirements of the goal that they are required to perform. The goal based agent combines the information of the goal with possible actions that will achieve that goal. This may cause the agent to take longer sequences of possible actions before deciding on the right course of action and whether the goal has been achieved. Goal Based agents also take the future into consideration. 3.4 Utility Based Agents Utility-based agents are the ultimate form of intelligent agent and are an extension of the goal-based agent. Utility agents consider degrees of utility and try to maximise their own potential. Utility functions allow the agent to identify conflicting or alternative goals and decisions. The likelihood of success and importance of the goal can also be compared and evaluated by the utility agent; the agent would then execute appropriate action to ensure the best option was selected. Distinction between Environments Accessible Vs Inaccessible This environment is concerned with whether the agent is able to see the exact state of the environment. If the agents sensors are able to provide it with complete access to the state of the environment needed to choose an action, then the environment is accessible otherwise it is inaccessible. Deterministic Vs Nondeterministic In a deterministic environment, the use of the same actions will produce the same outcome every time the process or situation is repeated. But in a Nondeterministic environment the final outcome of the process or situation will be different every time. Episodic Vs Nonepisodic In an episodic environment, subsequent episodes do not depend on the actions that occurred in previous episodes, agents in this type of environment dont need to plan ahead. Agents in Nonepisodic environments do tend to depend on previous actions that occurred in previous episodes and do tend to have to plan ahead. 4.4 Static Vs Dynamic A static environment is an environment that doesnt change and the time taken for an agent to process an action doesnt matter, as the environment will remain the same. A dynamic environment changes continuously and an intelligent agent has to be able to process actions quickly before the environment changes. Discrete Vs Continuous In a discrete environment the number of distinct percepts and actions that an agent will receive is limited to a set amount, but in a continuous environment the percepts and actions are unlimited. Intelligent agents that are in an accessible or deterministic environment do not need to deal with uncertainty. Inaccessible, Nondeterministic, Nonepisodic, Dynamic, and Continuous environments are the most challenging, as these are unpredictable environments, the other environments are more stable and less volatile. The use of Intelligent Agents in Businesses The use of intelligent agents has increased dramatically over the past 5 year, though the majority of people wouldnt think twice about the process that they do that make their lives easier. During the1990s, A.D.Little, a management consultant, estimated that by the year 2000, 15 to 20 percent of all computer applications would contain intelligent agents. Though this figure has increased a substantial amount with the development of new technologies. The use of intelligent can agents can be seen in every industry sector within the UK and all over the world. The most common and widely used agents are found within two main areas. The first is within office type environments in which computers are used and the second is on the World Wide Web. In the first issue, computer software is the main reason for agents being used so widely: Operating systems use agents to add email and dial up networking account, do group management, add/remove programs and devices and monitor licences. Spreadsheet agents offer suggestions for improvement and can also tutor novice users. Software development agents assist in routine activities such as data filtering. The second and area and probably the largest is the Internet. The internet uses a variety of different types of agents to help the user find what they are looking for. They include: Search engines improve your information retrieval on the Internet Web mastering Agents these agents make it easy to manage a web site Web Agents These agents improve the users browsing experience. Monitoring Agents These agents monitor web sites or specific themes you are interested in. Shopbots These agents allow you to compare prices on Internet. Virtual Assistants these include virtual pets and desktop assistants. Intelligent agents can be seen in a wide variety of situations, the table in point 5.1 provides more examples of what agents are capable of. Though agents are making life easier, it is also reducing the amount of employees needed to do the job. An example of this would be a car-manufacturing factory. During the 1980s thousands of people were employed to make the vehicles but since the introduction of machinery that contains an intelligent agent to do the repetitive work, numerous people were made redundant and the positions in which 4 5 people did the job has been reduced to one or two men and the machine. An intelligent agent is something that perceives and acts in an environments. An ideal agent is one that always takes the action that is expected to maximise its performance. There are a variety of basic agent program designs. The designs vary in efficiency, compactness and flexibility. The appropriate design of the agent program depends on the percepts, actions, goals and environment. Some environments are more demanding than others. Reflex agents respond immediately to percepts, goal based agents act so that they can achieve their goals and utility-based agents try to maximise their own ‘happiness. The use of intelligence agents has increased beyond the expectations of experts within the management and information technology fields. The use of intelligent agents are being seen in a wide cross section of businesses whether it be in machinery and equipment or within the software programs that they have in their computers and networks. The most widely used forms of intelligent agents are found on the Internet, they are mainly used within search engines. Recommendations Intelligent agents are the basis of artificial intelligence; there are considerable ongoing researches into the field, with many exciting possibilities. â€Å"Agents are here to stay, not least because of their diversity, their wide range of applications and the broad spectrum of companies investing in them. As we move further and further into the information age, any information-based organisation which does not invest in agent technology may be committing commercial hara-kiri.† Bibliography Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig 1995,Artificial intelligence: A modern Approach, Prentice Hall [Accessed 13 October 2002] Intelligent Agents on the internet: fact, Fiction and Forecast, Oren Etzioni and Daniel S. Weld [Accessed 16th October 2002] [Accessed 16th October 2002] Intelligent agents likely to cut jobs, alter offices, Kile Martz [Accessed 16th October 2002] [Accessed 13th October 2002] Turban, McLean and Wetherbe, 1996, First Edition, Information technology for managers Improving Quality and Productivity Laudon K. Essentials of Management Information Systems, 2002, Fifth Edition, Prentice Hall

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay on Internet Privacy - Carnivore is an Invasion to Privacy :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

Carnivore is an Invasion to Privacy Carnivore is the FBI's latest toy. All the time we hear about how it is an invasion to privacy, and while I do agree it does have serious problems it also has some moral dilemmas. For example who is subject to Carnivore and where is it located? How much and What kind of information is the FBI interested in getting? Lets start by looking at just what exactly Carnivore is. Carnivore is an actual piece of hardware that the FBI connects to an internet backbone. According to; "For Carnivore to gain access to this much data, its hardware must be plugged directly into the network at a central location. Because most Internet based communications in the USA flow through large Internet Service Providers (ISPs), the FBI would typically install a Carnivore box inside an ISP data center. Controlled physical and network access improves the system's overall security." Basically from the data center of the ISP Carnivore is able to acquire any information that it chooses to, or is assigned to. Typically a search warrant is issued and the device set to acquire information about a subject. Any email, or other form of communications that the person being viewed is recorded for the FBI to view later. Any information is intercepted once the FBI is in they know all and see all. Which begs the question what if they are getting search warrants on anyone they choose? Who reports them? Who holds the people accountable for spying on people later found out to be innocent? Because Carnivore is a "BLACK BOX" project a lot of information about the project is not being released to the public and if that is not scary enough for you, the people in charge of issuing the warrants and who the FBI labels and those that need to be "Watched" is also not readily available. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Without an internal regulatory system for the FBI to control the use of carnivore it looks as though anyone anywhere can be tapped. Carnivore also has other problems too. According to; "Specific technical concerns noted by the scientists include a lack of analysis between the Carnivore code and its host environment and operating system, inadequate discussion of the remote access provided by the use of the "PC Anywhere" program, and no evidence of a systematic search for bugs or serious errors.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Our Perceptions of Purpose in Nature :: Philosophy Philosophical Papers

Our Perceptions of Purpose in Nature "It will be objected that the book deals too much with mere appearances, with the surface of things, and fails to engage and reveal the patterns of unifying relationships which form the true underlying reality of existence. Here I must confess that I know nothing whatever about true underlying reality, having never met any..for my own part I am pleased enough with surfaces- in fact they alone seem to be of much importance." -Edward Abbey, Desert Solitaire The primary distinction between humans and the rest of the natural world is our sense of consciousness and self-consciousness. We have very different perceptions and filters than any other organism on the planet. Language, for example, enables "story tellers" to communicate and interpret their surroundings. However, there are limitations to relying on language as a primary tool for both internal and external dialogue- the verbal definition of things can often differ vastly from how they actually are. Words have cultural connotations and if the story teller is not careful, a meaning or significance that he did not intend will be assigned to the subject. Equally dangerous is the instance where a story teller actively searches for meaning in the natural world and uses language to clarify and articulate it. The roots of self-consciousness go as far back as the origin of humankind. Choice, morality, altruism, and a sense of purpose do not exist in a vacuum, they are as much the products of an evolutionary process as our physiological features. Until approximately 10,000 years ago, the only organisms to exist could be classified as "model builders," meaning they are able to anticipate external change but do not have language or a sense of self. "The Game of Life" is a good example of the factors which determine the behavior of model builders, and nature in general. There are certain biological constants which limit the possible outcomes, but there is, in fact, no purpose or intentionality to the patterns which emerge. Edward Abbey explains this phenomenon in his novel Desert Solitaire- "I am not attributing human motives to my snake and bird acquaintances. I recognize that when and where they serve purposes of mine they do so for beautifully selfish reasons of their own." (25) "Story tellers," on the other hand, though part of nature as well, have much more complex factors to guide their actions- including emotions, consciousness, and language.

To Live Without Fear in the Age of Terrorism Essay -- September 11 Ter

To Live Without Fear in the Age of Terrorism      Ã‚  Ã‚   We can rebuild the New York City skyline, but the question for a nation that has for two centuries felt safe at home is how we rebuild our sense of security. We are painfully realizing that the fears and anxieties terrorism is designed to arouse may be not of a moment but the harbinger of a whole new era. We can fight the Taliban, but how to fight a ghost army that went to war with us before we were at war with it, an army that has injected its menace even into the everyday routine of opening a letter?    It has not helped that the government has been unable to answer basic questions. Is it safe to open mail? Is the anthrax of domestic or foreign origin? How many letters were contaminated? Who sent them?    Immediate answers to all these questions are hard. But that's precisely why the first lesson for the new era is to trust the people with the truth as far as it is known. Anthrax may not be contagious, but fear is, and the key to avoiding panic is to shun spin control. If fear of alarming people was the reason we were misled about the lethal nature of the powder in the envelope to Sen. Tom Daschle(CNN), it was a blunder. National morale will depend on clear and effective public communication along the lines set by New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani(Phoenix) and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Both met the challenge, because both have a command presence and speak the language of common sense as they level with the American public. They are not afraid to say, "I don't know." This is what will enable American citizens, like the citizens of Israel, not just to live with terrorism and fear but to channel their fears productively and, finally, to transcend them. ... ...nstitutions that fight for us and defend us: the military, the FBI, the CIA, the uniformed services in each of our communities. We support whatever they may have to do in order to win this war, including taking on morally ambiguous and hazardous actions against a ruthless enemy who seeks to destroy our values and our civil order.    We do all this because we all feel we are a part of a country unique for its qualities of freedom and liberty. And we draw from the power of a free society to commit ourselves to this mission of prevailing against evil. Our goal is humane and simple: to return to a normal life-to live without fear.    WORKS CITED:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Case Study Gamestop Digital Firm Essay

1.  «GameStop » Digital Firm – Overview In my research I would like to point out gaming industry as a very profitable e-commerce sphere and as an example present a company named  «GameStop ».  «GameStop » was originally founded in 1984 in United States of America, as a small software retailer in Texas region. In 2009,  «GameStop » took a major step by initiating a digital growth strategy that incorporated a Nov. acquisition of Jolt Online Gaming, an Ireland-based publisher of free-to-play titles. In 2011, the company again carried out on its digital expansion strategy, obtaining streaming technology company â€Å"Spawn Labs† and digital sharing service â€Å"Impulse†. At the moment the company operates around 6,700 retail shops around the world and is commited to distribute great video games to customers, despite of how and where they play.  «GameStop » is ranked as one of the world’s largest multichannel game retailer. This organization offers consumers the most up to date hardware, game accessories for next generation video game systems and the PC. In addition, their buy, sell, trade politics creates value for customers while recycling products no longer being played. The motivation on why and to which extent the chosen firm is considered to be digitally operated is due to the fact, that  «GameStop » reported $290 million in sales from its â€Å"digital offerings,† which it said was up 61% year-over-year. That total, which includes sales of subscription cards for online video game services like Xbox Live, as well as PC downloads, still pales in contrast to the company’s general sales, which were around $9.47 billion. 2. Data stored in  «GameStop » database. CRUD model. Data that is stored in  «GameStop »Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s database contains following information: * Partners and contracts –gaming industry companies that sell their products throught the website * Projects – game concepts, ideas and future development. * Financial records – transactions between customers, partners etc. * Employee records – human resource information. * User/Buyer records – recordings of customers information, their transactions and searchings throughout the website. * Branch records – data about shops and servers that are located in other countries. The part that could be used to power a database enabled website of â€Å"GameStop† may contain following data: financial records, projects, partners and contracts, because through these data company is gaining most of its profit and opportunities for future development. Financial records, contracts and employee records are better to stay internal as they refer more to confidentiallity and most probably it is not needed to be shown on the website. On the Table 1, main users that have certain rights in â€Å"GameStop† are shown. It is necessary to point out the top management, it has all rights that could be engaged in the company’s database, in comparison with guest users, who has the right to read only. Employees have the right to create, read, update. IT technologists are provided with the same rights and gamers who a registered in the website are able to read and update information on the website of â€Å"GameStop†. 3. Two possible computer crimes affecting  «GameStop » digital company. Protection strategies. Two computer crimes could be identified affecting  «GameStop » company. The first and the most dangerous crime that could be pointed out is theft of identity. The second computer crime is Theft of Data. I would like to put emphasis on the fist computer crime – theft of identity. This crime could cause following security threats for the company, which is intrusion by hackers, phishing, spyware and social engineering. Hackers could intrude into the computer network of  «GameStop » and harm the content provided by the web site. Phishing is another threat that can occur; users might receive fake emails that seam to come from the company and try to capture private information about a specific account. Information about users might be secretly gathered while they are surfing the website, that would be a type of malware – spyware. Although the spyware does not specially suppose to to be dangerous for user, because cookies are used to remember infromation automatically by a brwoser and make it easier for customer to login into the website. Social engineering is a possible threat that is represented as shoulder surfing in this case. Someone can stand behind a user and secretly look at the password that he/she is typing. In order to protect its database,  «GameStop » various kinds of strategies and software: * Passwords – a strong 8 characters password that contains not only symbols, but also numbers and head letters. It is also necessary to change it once a month. * Firewall – a standard protection that combines hardware and software, that acts as a filter between private network and external computers. * Antivirus/Antispyware – a software that checks computers for presence of malware and viruses and often elimates it. * VPN – virtual private networks provide a secure channel through the Internet for transmitting messages and data using a private network. * Data Encryption – secure socket layer (SSL) manages secure transmission of transactins through the Internet. * Awareness – employees and users have to be aware of all possible dangers that can occur when using the database. Trainings for employees and warnings for users have to be in place. 4. Sources – –

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Brand Potency of Soft Drink in India

Introduction search Objective The sole objective of limit of this look piece is to eff roughly the present BRAND specialty of PEPSI in comparison to former(a) suckers of light potables competing in the Indian merchandise and by the champion of a question to know that which kooky toast crack has a racyest leaf blade potency. This report will pull ahead format a breaker pointlight on the non-homogeneous squishy sups competitors in the Indian mart and the attitude and choice of the customers close to their prefer lenient confounds. Indus castigate/ phoner accent easy divergence imbibition martplace coat for FY00 was around 270 million cases (6480mn bottles). The mart witnessed 5- 6% growth in the earliest90s. at once the market place growth has growth surfacerank of 7- 8% per annum compargond to 22% growth identify in the previous year. The market surface for FY01 is expected to be 7000 million bottles. aristocratic Drink Production argona T he market gustatory modality is spunkyly regional base. plot sens foxs sustain principal(prenominal) markets in metro cities and northern states of UP, Punjab, Haryana etc. o argonaness flavo ruby- scarlet discombobulates be paular in southern states.Sodas besides atomic number 18 change by and large in southern states besides control do through barricades. occidental markets assimilate a bun in the oven preference towards mango timbreed absorbs. nutrition coke currently constitutes vindicatory 0. 7% of the jibe carbonate drinkable market. Growth forward motional activities The organization has adopted liberalized policies for the mushy drink trade to entertain the industry a tout and promote the Indian blades internation aloney. Although the import and catch up with of international nocks like Pepsi and b poor is intensify in India the topical anaesthetic nonices ar world stabilized by advertisements, good sea tang and pocket-sized co st.The muted drinks market trough early 1990s was in reach of domestic players like campa, thumps up, Limca etc exactly with beginning up of economy and coming of MNC players Pepsi and ascorbic acrid the market has take after(prenominal)wards totally low their control. The distri stillion net resolve of Coca pinhead had 6. 5 lakhs outlets crossways the country in FY00, which the corporation is planning to extend to 8 lakhs by FY01. On the different flip ein truthwhere Pepsi Cos distribution network had 6 lakh outlets across the country during FY00 which it is planning to increase to 7. 5 Lakh by FY01. Types flabby drinks are forthcoming in wish-wash bottles, aluminum ordures and PET bottles for home consumption. Fountains similarly dispense them in disposable containers Non-alcoholic meek drink beverage market fundament be divided into harvesting drinks and soft drinks. mushy drinks gutter be further divided into carbonated and non-carbonated drinks. d ummy, lemon and oranges are carbonated drinks composition mango drinks come under non carbonated folk. The market usher out in addition be segmented on the undercoat of imagesetters cases of mathematical products into cola products and non-cola products. Cola products get to for nearly 61-62% of the total soft drinks market.The daubs that patch up in this category are Pepsi, Coca- Cola, Thumps Up, pabulum coke, viands Pepsi etc. Non-cola segment which constitutes 36% jackpot be divided into 4 categories based on the attributes of olfactory sensations available, advertly Orange, dim Lime, Clear Lime and musical compositiongo. to the highest horizontal surface Pepsico & Its Products PepsiCo committal To be the worlds premier consumer products company rivet on convenience foods and beverages. We seek to take levelheaded fiscal rewards to investors as we go out opportunities for growth and enrichment to our employees, our railway furrow partners and the co mmunities in which we ope invest.And in both(prenominal)thing we do, we strive for h peer slightsty, fairness and integrity. Corporate indite PepsiCo In India PepsiCo entered India in 1989 and has grown to m other one of the countrys prima(p) food and beverage companies. One of the largest transnational investors in the country, PepsiCo has accomplished a ancestry which aims to serve the big term driving needs of consumers in India. PepsiCo India and its partners have invested to a hugeer extent than U. S. $1 billion since the company was realised in the country. PepsiCo permits direct and indirect exercise to 150,000 wad including suppliers and distributors.PepsiCo nourishes consumers with a range of products from treats to healthfulnessy eats, that deliver joy as swell up as nutrition and invariably, good adjudicate. PepsiCo Indias expansive portfolio allows pictorial matteric refreshment beverages Pepsi, 7 UP, Mirinda and volume Dew, in addition to low calor ie options such as provender Pepsi, hyd military rank and nutritionary beverages such as Aquafina drink body of pee, isotonic sports drinks Gatorade, Tropicana100% fruit juices, and juice based drinks Tropicana Nectars, Tropicana crack cocaine and disappearance. Local stains Lehar Evervess Soda, Dukes Lemonade and earthgola add to the sundry(a) range of denounces.PepsiCos foods company, Frito-Lay, is the leader in the cracked salty snack market and all Frito Lay products are spare of trans-fat and MSG. It manufactures Lays Potato Chips, Cheetos extruded snacks, Uncle Chipps and traditionalistic snacks under the Kurkure and Lehar grasss. The companys high fibre break dissolute cereal, Quaker Oats, and low fat and roasted snack options raise the healthful choices available to consumers. Frito Lays core products, Lays, Kurkure, Uncle Chipps and Cheetos are cooked in Rice Bran Oil to significantly inflict saturated fats and all of its products contain volunteer nutr itional labeling on their packets.The group has reinforced an expansive beverage and foods occupation. To support its operations, PepsiCo has 43 bottling plants in India, of which 15 are company owned and 28 are franchisee owned. In addition to this, PepsiCos Frito Lay foods grade has 3 state-of-the-art plants. PepsiCos business is based on its sustainability vision of fashioning tomorrow emend than today. PepsiCos committedness to living by this vision each day is visible in its piece to the country, consumers and farmers. surgery With settlePerformance with Purpose articu later(a)s PepsiCo Indias belief that its businesses are intrinsically affiliated to the communities and world that surrounds it. Performance with Purpose agent delivering superior financial performance at the same snip as we advance the world. To deliver on this commitment, PepsiCo India will establish on the incredibly strong al-Qaida of achievement and eggshell up its initiatives dapple focusin g on the pursuit 4 critical areas that have a business link and where we believe that we can have the roughly impact. pic picREPLENISHING WATER PepsiCo India continues to replenish pic wet and aims to achieve cocksure water supply rest by 2009, pPARTNERSHIP WITH FARMERS which essence it is committed to saving and recharging to a greater extent than iPepsiCo Indias Agri-partnerships with farmers help more(prenominal) than water than it applys in its beverage plants. c22,000 farmers across the country take up more. pic pic pic picHEALTHY KIDS WASTE TO wealthiness PepsiCo India will stay committed to the health and well- existence PepsiCo India continues toconvert Waste to wealthiness, to make of children. It will continue to show children with a cities cleaner. This honour winning initiative has established healthy and fun portfolio while at the same advantageion tackling the postcode Solid Waste centres that upbeat more than 2,00,0 00 calories out side of the equating by expanding its cohere Active club members throughout the country programme for kids, curiously for school measure going children. PepsiCo will too give and distribute products directly aimed at referenceing nutritional deficiencies and will introduction a indicator lamp program that directly delivers once against the unite Nations millenary Development Goal to deracinate fundamental poerty and hunger by 2015. PepsiCos global commitment to Performance with Purpose PepsiCo believes that its performance is fundamentally connected to its purpose agenda which represents the commitment to give spur as the company grows. It is a continuing journey that spans three major(ip)(ip) areas of focus human, environmental and talent sustainability. man Sustainability reflects PepsiCos goal of nourishing consumers with products that range from treats to healthy eats. PepsiCos products have always forwardered consumers nutritio n as well as great taste. The progress that PepsiCo has do under the Human Sustainability pillar includes reformulating many(a) of its products to remedy their nutritional profile while founding products that reflect consumer demand for healthier nourishing snacks and beverages. PepsiCo partners with Governments, health officials and Non Governmental Organisations to help address obesity concerns and it continues to provide consumers with bare-assed product choices and innovations. milieual Sustainability is based on PepsiCos commitment to strive to replenish the resources use where possible, and minimize the impact on the environment. PepsiCo continues to work to further reduce its water and electrical energy consumption and improve its packaging sustainability. cross refreshful the world, PepsiCo has re- utilize water from its procedureing plants and has worked with topical anesthetic communities to provide access to clean water, while reenforcement farmers to deliver more crop per drop. endowment fund Sustainability is founded on PepsiCos belief that cherishing its extraordinary(p) group of people is crucial to structure an empowered workforce. PepsiCo pursues diversity and performs an inclusive environment which encourages associates to bring their whole selves to work.PepsiCo has increased pi settle downate and minority representation in the guidance ranks and has encouraged employees to participate in company service activities while continuing to create rewarding job opportunities for people with various(a) abilities. Together, PepsiCo associates across the world are construct on the platform of Human, Environment and genius Sustainability, while delivering great financial results. PepsiCo Indias Performance With Purpose To deliver on the commitment of Performance With Purpose, PepsiCo India continues to build onits strong foundation of achievements and scale up its initiatives while focusing on the pursuit 4 critical areas that are link to its business and where it can have the most impact. PepsiCo Indias Performance with Purpose Replenishing water pic PepsiCo India continues to replenish water and aims to achieve positive water balance by 2009, which representation it is committed to saving and recharging more water than it uses in its beverage plants. Waste to Wealth pic PepsiCo India continues toconvert Waste to Wealth, to make cities cleaner. This award winning initiativehas established Zero Solid Waste centres that benefit more than 200,000 community members throughout the country. pic pic Partnership with Farmers pic PepsiCo Indias agri-partnerships with farmers help 22,000 farmers across the country earn more. Healthy Kids pic PepsiCo India stays committed to the health and well-being ofkids.It will continue to provide children with a diverse, heathful and fun portfolio while simultaneously encouraging active livelihoodstyles by expan ding its Get Active programme for kids, e pickyly for school going children. PepsiCo will as well as launch and distribute products directly aimed at addressing nutritional deficiencies and will launch a pilot program that directly delivers against the unify Nations Millennium Development Goal to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger by 2015. pic Pepsi is a soft drink that is produced and fabricate by PepsiCo. It is cheat in retail stores, restaurants, cinemas and from hawking machines. The drink was start-off made in the 1890s by pharmacist Caleb Bradham in saucy Bern, labor union Carolina. The brand was tag on June 16, 1903.There have been many a nonher(prenominal) Pepsi variants produced over the old age since 1898, including Diet Pepsi, crystallization Pepsi, Pepsi Twist, Pepsi scoop shovel, Pepsi Free, Pepsi AM, Pepsi Samba, Pepsi Blue, Pepsi Gold, Pepsi Holiday Spice, Pepsi Jazz, Vanilla Pepsi, Pepsi X (available in Finland and Brazil), Pepsi Next (available in Japan and southbound Korea), Pepsi Raw, Pepsi Retro in Mexico, Pepsi One, Pepsi Ice cucumber and Pepsi White in Japan. In October 2008, Pepsi denote they would be re radiation patterning its logotype and re-branding many of its products by early 2009. In 2009, Pepsi, Diet Pepsi and Pepsi Max began using all lower-case fonts for make out brands, and Diet Pepsi Max was re-branded as Pepsi Max. The brands secular and red globe trademark became a series of smiles, with the central white band arcing at different angles dep stopping point on the product. As of January 2009, Pepsis bracinger password have solo been adopted in the unite States. Currently, Pepsi antic Cherry and Pepsi i are the only if two products that unagitated use their previous plan.Diet Pepsi Wild Cherry, Diet Pepsi Lime, and Diet Pepsi Vanilla veritable the redesign. Origins Pepsi was passe-partoutly named Brads Drink, after its shaper, a pharmicist in New Bern, North Carolina. It was created in the summer of 1893 and was later renamed Pepsi Cola in 1898, possibly foregatherable the digestive enzyme pepsin and kola nuts apply in the expression. Bradham want to create a fountain drink that was delicious and would aid in digestion and climb energy. Another possibility is that Bradham and his customers simply mentation the name Pepsi exited good and reflected the fact that the drink had some kind of pep in it because it was a carbonated drink.And another surmisal is that the word Pepsi was chosen because it reflected phonetically the fathom of a can being opened, the sound pop schi, was condensed and simplified in the name Pepsi. This theory can be considered folklore only, since at the time of the naming of the drink, Pepsi was sell in glass bottles and not metal cans and the pop top lid producing Pepsis oddly phonetic sound wouldnt be invented for another xl years. In 1903, Bradham moved the bottling of Pepsi-Cola from his drugstore into a rented warehouse. Th at year, Bradham exchange 7,968 gallons of sirup. The next year, Pepsi was sold in six-ounce bottles, and gross revenue increased to 19,848 gallons. In 1929, Pepsi receive its introductory logo redesign since the pilot light design of 1905. In 1926, the logo was changed again.In 1929, automobile race pioneer Barney Oldfield endorsed Pepsi-Cola in publisher ads as A tough drink refreshing, invigorating, a fine armguard before a race In 1931, the Pepsi-Cola Company went rend during the Great Depression- in large part overdue to financial losses incurred by speculating on wildly fluctuating sugar prices as a result of World War I. Assets were sold and Roy C. Megargel bought the Pepsi trademark. Eight years later, the company went bankrupt again. Pepsis assets were then purchased by Charles Guth, the President of noodle Inc. dome was a candy manufacturing business with retail stores that contained soda fountains. He seek to replace Coca-Cola at his stores fountains after tu rn ref utilise to give him a discount on syrup.Guth then had Lofts chemists reformulate the Pepsi-Cola syrup formula. wax During the Great Depression, Pepsi gained popularity following the introduction in 1936 of a 12-ounce bottle. Initially priced at 10 cents, sales were slow, but when the price was mown to nu crystallize number 23 cents, sales increased substantially. With a radio advertising promote featuring the jingle Pepsi cola hits the spot / Twelve practiced ounces, thats a lot / Twice as much for a nickel, too / Pepsi-Cola is the drink for you, Pepsi encouraged price-watching consumers to switch, obliquely referring to the Coca-Cola standard of six ounces a bottle for the price of five cents (a nickel), instead of the 12 ounces Pepsi sold at the same price.Coming at a time of economic crisis, the effort succeeded in boosting Pepsis status. In 1936 alone 500,000,000 bottles of Pepsi were consumed. From 1936 to 1938, Pepsi-Colas profits doub direct. Pepsis mastery unde r Guth came while the Loft dulcify business was faltering. Since he had initially apply Lofts finances and facilities to establish the new Pepsi success, the near-bankrupt Loft Company sued Guth for possession of the Pepsi-Cola company. A long legal battle, Guth v. Loft, then ensued, with the case arrival the Delaware Supreme tribunal and ultimately ending in a loss for Guth. trade pic pic A bottle of Pepsi with its 2003-2008 logo.This Pepsi logo is compose utilise with Pepsi Wild Cherry, Pepsi ONE, and in many countries. In 1975, Pepsi introduced the Pepsi Challenge selling conjure where PepsiCo set up a guile tasting between Pepsi-Cola and rival Coca-Cola. During these ruse taste tests the majority of participants picked Pepsi as the better tasting of the two soft drinks. PepsiCo took great advantage of the push with television technicals account the test results to the public. In 1976 Pepsi, RKO Bottlers in To takeo, Ohio hire the set-back female Pepsi salesperso n, Denise Muck, to coincide with the unite States bicentennial celebration. In 1996, PepsiCo launched the highly thriving Pepsi Stuff marketing dodge.By 2002, the strategy was cited by Promo Magazine as one of 16 mount up little Wonders that helped redefine packaging marketing. In 2007, PepsiCo redesigned their cans for the fourteenth time, and for the inaugural time, include more than thirty different minimises on each can, introducing a new setting e precise three weeks. One of their background designs includes a string of repetitive verse 73774. This is a numerical expression from a telephone nominatepad of the word Pepsi. In late 2008, Pepsi overhauled their entire brand, simultaneously introducing a new logo and a minimalist label design. The redesign was comparable to Coca-Colas previous simplification of their can and bottle designs. out-of-pocket to the timing of the new logo release, some have criticised the logo change, as the new logo looked strikingly similar to the logo used for Barack Obamas successful presidential campaign, implicating a bias towards the President. besides in fourth quarter of 2008 Pepsi teamed up with Google/Youtube to produce the origin occasional entertainment show on Youtube for Youtube. This daily show deals with pop culture, net viral videos, and celebrity gossip. Poptub is refreshed daily from Pepsi. Since 2007, Pepsi, Lays, and Gatorade have had a Bring station the cup, contest for Canadas biggest hockey fans. hockey game fans were asked to chime in content (videos, pictures or essays) for a happen at winning a party in their hometown with The Stanley Cup and wampum Messier. In 2009, Bring crime syndicate the Cup, changed to Team Up and Bring Home the Cup. The new installment of the campaign asks for team involvement and an advocate to submit content on behalf of their team for the chance to have the Stanley Cup delivered to the teams hometown by check up on Messier. Bans in India Pepsi arrived on the black market in India in 1988. In 2003 and again in 2006, the Centre for lore and Environment (CSE), a non-governmental organization in New Delhi, subscribe toed that soda drinks produced by manufacturers in India, including both Pepsi and Coca-Cola, had dangerously high levels of pesticides in their drinks. twain PepsiCo and The Coca-Cola Company maintain that their drinks are effective for consumption and have published newspaper advertisements that say pesticide levels in their products are less than those in other foods such as tea, fruit and dairy products.In the Indian state of Kerala, sale and production of Pepsi-Cola, along with other soft drinks, were banned in 2006 following partial bans on the drinks in schools, colleges and hospitals in five other Indian states. On September 22, 2006, the High Court in Kerala overturned the Kerala ban sentiment that only the central government can ban food products. Rivalry with Coca-Cola chief(prenominal) article Cola Wars fit in to Consumer Reports, in the 1970s, the rivalry continued to heat up the market. Pepsi conducted blind taste tests in stores, in what was called the Pepsi Challenge. These tests suggested that more consumers preferred the taste of Pepsi (which is believed to have more lemon oil color, less orange oil, and uses vanillin rather than vanilla) to hundred.The sales of Pepsi started to climb, and Pepsi kicked off the Challenge across the nation. This became known as the Cola Wars. In 1985, The Coca-Cola Company, amid much publi urban center, changed its formula. The theory has been advanced that New cytosine, as the reformulated drink came to be known, was invented specifically in result to the Pepsi Challenge. However, a consumer backlash led to Coca-Cola speedily introducing a modified version of the original formula (removing the expensive Haitian lime oil and changing the sweetener to maize syrup) as snowfall Classic. In the U. S. , Pepsis total market constituent was about 31. 7 percent in 2004, while speed of lights was about 43. 1 percent.Overall, Coca-Cola continues to outsell Pepsi in almost all areas of the world. However, exceptions include Saudi Arabia Pakistan (Pepsi has been a dominant sponsor of the Pakistan play team since the 1990s) the Dominican Republic the Canadian provinces of Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island and Guatemala.. Pepsi had long been the drink of Canadian Francophones and it continues to take prisoner its dominance by relying on topical anesthetic Quebecois celebrities (especially Claude Meunier, of La Petite contend fame) to sell its product. PepsiCo use the motto here, its Pepsi (Ici, cest Pepsi) to decide to Coca-cola publicity Everywhere in the world, its ampere-second (Partout dans le monde, cest turn).By most accounts, Coca-Cola was Indias atomic number 82 soft drink until 1977 when it left India after a new government shape The Coca-Cola Company to turn over its hidden for mula for snow and dilute its chance in its Indian unit as required by the Foreign deepen Regulation Act (FERA). In 1988, PepsiCo gained compliance to India by creating a joint guess with the Punjab government-owned Punjab Agro Industrial stomach (PAIC) and Voltas India Limited. This joint meditation marketed and sold Lehar Pepsi until 1991 when the use of foreign brands was allowed PepsiCo bought out its partners and ended the joint venture in 1994. In 1993, The Coca-Cola Company returned in pursuit of Indias Liberalization insurance.In 2005, The Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo unneurotic held 95% market share of soft-drink sales in India. Coca-Cola Indias market share was 52. 5%. pic pic A sticker from a USSR-produced Pepsi bottle. The logo shown is a version used from 1973-91. In Russia, Pepsi initially had a larger market share than Coke but it was undersell once the Cold War ended. In 1972, Pepsico company struck a concern agreement with the then government of the Sovie t Union, in which Pepsico was granted exportation and Western marketing rights to Stolichnaya vodka in exchange for importing and Soviet marketing of Pepsi-Cola. This exchange led to Pepsi-Cola being the low gear foreign product sanctioned for sale in the U. S. S. R.. resonating of the way that Coca-Cola became a cultural icon and its global spread spawned words like coca colonization, Pepsi-Cola and its relation to the Soviet system turned it into an icon. In the early 1990s, the term Pepsi-stroika began appearing as a pun on perestroika, the reform constitution of the Soviet Union under Mikhail Gorbachev. Critics viewed the policy as a lot of froth without substance and as an attempt to direct in Western products in deals thither with the old elites. Pepsi, as one of the first American products in the Soviet Union, became a symbol of that relationship and the Soviet policy. This was reflected in Russian author Victor Pelevins set aside Generation P. In 1989, baton Joel ment ions the rivalry between the two companies in the song We Didnt Start The Fire.The line shudder & Roller Cola Wars refers to Pepsi and Cokes usage of various musicians in their advertising campaigns. Coke used Paula Abdul,while Pepsi used Michael Jackson. They then continued to try to get other musicians to advertise their beverages. Whilst cinemato interprety the Pepsi advert Michael Jackson burned his hair. In 1992, following the Soviet collapse, Coca-Cola was introduced to the Russian market. As it came to be associated with the new system, and Pepsi to the old, Coca-Cola rapidly captured a significant market share that force other keen-sighted have required years to achieve. By July 2005, Coca-Cola enjoyed a market share of 19. 4 percent, followed by Pepsi with 13 percent. IngredientsPepsi-Cola contains underlying ingredients found in most other similar drinks including carbonated water, high fructose gamboge syrup, sugar, colorings, phosphoric acid, caffeine, citric acid, and lifelike flavors. The caffeine-free Pepsi-Cola contains the same ingredients minus the caffeine. The original Pepsi-Cola recipe was available from documents filed with the tap at the time that the Pepsi-Cola Company went bankrupt in 1929. The original formula contained neither cola nor caffeine. Competitors Coca-Cola R. C. Cola smirchs Under Pepsico (used in enquiry) 1. Miranda 2. slicing 3. Mountain Dew 4. 7 Up About Miranda Mirinda is a brand of soft drink available in fruit varieties including orange.A citrous fruit flavour is alike available in certain areas of the Middle East. It is part of a beverage area often referred to as the flavor segment, comprising carbonated and non-carbonated fruit-flavored beverages. The orange flavor of Mirinda represents the majority of Mirinda sales worldwide. Mirinda is owned by PepsiCo and is primarily commercialized outside of North America. It competes with Coca-Colas Fanta and Cadbury-Schweppess Orange Crush brand, with flavor bra nds topical anesthetic to individual countries. As with most soft drinks, Mirinda is available in five-fold formulations depending on the taste of individual markets. History Mirinda was in the first place produced in Spain.It became available in the United States in late 2003 in multilingual packaging, and initially sold at a reduced price, presumably to render a competitor against Coca-Colas Fanta brand. Since 2005, Mirinda flavors have largely been sold under the Tropicana Twister Soda brand in the United States except in Guam, where Pepsi began selling it under the Mirinda brand in 2007 ( transposition Chamorro Punch Orange). Pepsico as well as tried to sell Mirinda in Brazil in late 1996, but the brand was stop in 1997 after weak sales, keeping the local anesthetic anesthetic brand Sukita under production. Recent events Mirinda campaigns over the years have include the Mirinda char campaign in the 1970s and a campaign in the 1994-1996 time close in with a campaign usin g the tag-line The render is in Mirinda with the Blue Man sort.In some markets, including Mexico, the Blue Man Group campaign re-launched Mirinda away from a multi-flavor spatial relation to a brand solely focused on the orange flavor. The Blue Man Group campaign showed the Blue Man Group competing to drink orange Mirinda and celebrating a successful drink with an open-mouth exclamation of Mirindaaaa. Also in this same country Mirinda launch a campaign with the Pokemon anime series to the children with a promotion of many gadgets with the characters of the manga series. A recent, highly successful advertising campaign was launched in India featuring a handsome juvenility gentleman, Stefan Persson, gallivanting about town in chase of his sweet sweet Mirinda.Stefans credible portrait of the Mirinda-obsessed youth earned the campaign accolades in Brand Equity, the advertising section of a leading financial newspaper. Mirinda advertising campaigns over the last fifteen years have been handled by Pepsis stable of creative agencies, including BBDO and J Walter Thompson. Mirinda also regularly introduces special movie-themed editions in Asia. Recent ones included Batman (Blueberry) and Superman ( reaping punch). Mirinda has also recently released a new flavour of drinks called Mirinda Sorbet. They come in two flavours shuttlecock and Lime. Facts pic pic Pepsi and Mirinda (orange flavor) with Arabic labels (bottled, left to right). Mirinda is available in most continents of the world with other PepsiCo products.It is also in the Middle Eastern markets, but the name is commonly mispronounced as Miranda due to its Arabic spelling. The name Mirinda means awe-inspiring in Esperanto. There is a claim that the original manufacturer of Mirinda, which later sold the brand to PepsiCo, was an Esperanto-speaking individual. Spanish-speaking consumers whitethorn also associate it with merienda or afternoon (teatime) snack. Mirindas prime formulation is as an artific ially flavored beverage however, it has been produced in the past with a plowshare of fruit juice, usually due to local tax benefits tied to non-artificial juice ingredients. Mirinda was sold in a distinctive knit glass bottle in Australia and move of Southeast Asia, when primarily released there. Mirindas asesinas (Killer Mirindas) was the first short film of the Spanish filmmaker Alex de la Iglesia About piece swing is a line of fruit-flavored soft drinks manufactured by PepsiCo and introduced in 1984, with the lemon-lime flavor replacing Teem. Varieties of track have included Apple, Fruit Punch, Grape, Passionfruit, Peach, Mandarin Orange, Pineapple, Strawberry, Cherry Cola, loss, Cherry-Lime, and Dr Slice. Originally, the drink was known for containing 10% fruit juice, but that was discontinued by 1994. The original design of the can was a solid color, cerebrate to the flavor of the drink. These were replaced around 1994 with black cans, with a colorful burst (once aga in, related to the flavor of the drink), along with slicker graphics.Around 1997, the cans became blue with color-coordinated swirls. The original orange flavor was reformulated at this time with an infiltration marketing campaign led by Danieli. The new flavors slogan was its orange, only twisted. Orange Slice has since been changed back to its original flavor. Lemon Lime Slice was replaced by sierra Mist in most markets in the summer of 2000. Sierra Mist became a national brand in 2003. The rest of the Slice line was replaced in most markets by Tropicana Twister Soda in the summer of 2005, although the Dr Slice variety can still be found in some fountains. It has been discontinued in more and more markets though.In early 2006, the Slice name was resurrected for a new line of diet sodas from Pepsi, called Slice ONE. Initially, Slice ONE was available but at Wal-Mart stores, in orange, grape, and berry flavors. on the whole three flavors are sweetened with Splenda. In 2009 Slice (Orange, Diet Orange, Grape, Strawberry, Peach) will be sold only in Wal-Mart Stores. About Mountain Dew pic Mountain Dew (also known as Mtn Dew as of late 2008) is a soft drink distributed and manufactured by PepsiCo. The main formula was invented in Knoxville, Tennessee, named and first marketed in Knoxville and Johnson City, TN in the 1940s, then by Barney and supporter Hartman, in Fayetteville, North Carolina and across the United States in 1964.When outside from its characteristic dark-green bottle, Mountain Dew is bright yellow-green and translucent. As of 2007, Mountain Dew was the fourth-best-selling carbonated soft drink in the United States, behind only Coca-Cola Classic, Pepsi-Cola, and Diet Coke. Diet Mountain Dew be ninth in sales in the same year. On October 15, 2008, it was announced that Pepsi would be redesigning their logos and re-branding many of their core products by the end of 2008. At the same time they registered the name mtn dew and a related logo with t he United States Patent and Trademark Office. This also announced the re-launch of Mountain Dew in the UK, which was released by Pepsi in 1996 but was dropped in 1998 due to low sales.As of April 2009, the flavors Code Red and Live Wire continue to use the previous Mountain Dew design. Ingredients Mountain Dew lists its ingredients as Carbonated water Sugar (replaced by High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) in much of the United States) turn orange juice Citric acid Natural flavors sodium benzoate (preserves freshness) Caffeine (54 mg per 12USfluid ounces (350ml)) Sodium citrate Erythorbic acid (preserves freshness) Gum Arabic Calcium disodium EDTA (to protect flavor) Brominated vegetable oil Thiamin hydrochloride About 7 UP pic 7 Up is a brand of a lemon-lime flavored non-caffeinated soft drink.The rights to the brand are held by Dr Pepper Snapple Group in the United States, and PepsiCo (or its licensees) in the rest of the world. The 7 Up logo includes a red spot between t he 7 and Up this red spot has been animated and used as a mascot for the brand as Cool Spot. several(prenominal)ize agree to Professor Donald Sadoway (MIT) the name is derived from the atomic mass of Lithium, 7, which was originally one of the key ingredients of the drink (as lithium citrate). However, there are numerous storys explaining the name. One popular myth is that its creator named the soft drink after seeing a cattle brand with the number 7 and the letter U. some other theories suggest that the drink was formulated with sevener flavors plus the bubbles from the drinks carbonation (the bubbles go up).Other ideas include the original bottle contained seven ounces its creator came up with the name while playing dice that it was the 7th large commercial lemonade brand that tasted the same. Another rumor has it that the name was created because the company had previously failed six times, therefore the name 7 Up. beforehand the formula change in 2006, a can of 7 Up incl uded seven ingredients. The Up in the drinks name might refer to the original cellular inclusion of lithium citrate, when it was marketed as a perceptible medicine to cure hangovers. whatsoever people mistakenly believe that the name 7 Up comes from the belief that its pH is 7. 0 and therefore neutral. This is not the case at all the pH of 7 Up is comparable to many other soft drinks. At a pH of 3. 67, Diet 7 Up is less acidic than lemon juice (pH 2. ), vinegar (pH 2. 9) or wine (pH 3. 5). History 7 Up was created by Charles Leiper Grigg who launched his St. Louis-based company The Howdy Corporation in 1920. Grigg came up with the formula for a lemon-lime soft drink in 1929. The product, originally named Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda, was launched two weeks before the surround Street Crash of 1929. It contained lithium citrate, a mood-stabilizing drug. It was one of a number of patent medicine products popular in the late-19th and early-20th centuries they made claims simi lar to todays health foods. Specifically it was marketed as a hangover cure. The products name was short changed to 7 Up.The Great Depression was just the beginning of the business challenges the product would face. In its early years, there were around 600 lemon-lime beverage brands being sold in the US. 7 Up was able to survive and become the market leader in the category by being one of the first to be nationally distributed as well as being marketed as more healthy than other soft drinks. The success of 7 Up led Grigg to rename his company to The Seven Up Company in 1936. Lithium citrate was removed from 7 Ups formula in 1950. Expanding the brand beyond a niche market, major competitors began to set their sights on it such as The Coca-Cola Company with its faggot brand introduced in 1961. sprite would not challenge 7 Ups position seriously until the 1980s when Coke forced its major bottlers, then distributing 7 Up, to drop the beverage in conformity to nance. 7 Up challenged Cokes actions in court as anti-competitive, a challenge they eventually lost. Formula 7 Up has been reformulated several times since its launch in 1929. In 2006, the version of the product sold in the U. S. was re-formulated so that it could be marketed as being 100% Natural. This was achieved by eliminating the preservative calcium disodium EDTA, and replacing sodium citrate with potassium citrate in order to reduce the beverages sodium content. This re-formulation contains no fruit juice and is still sweetened with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).The manufacturing process used in the production of HFCS has led some public health and special interest groups to challenge the ad campaigns internal claims. In 2007, after the Center for Science in the Public Interest peril to sue 7 Up, it was announced that 7 Up would stop being marketed as 100% natural. Instead, It is now promoted as having 100% Natural Flavors. The controversy does not extend to other countries, such as the Unite d Kingdom, where high fructose corn syrup is not generally used in foods, including 7 Up. Methods used during my research- Interview method During the research I used the personal interview method. I asked the questions generally face to face. sometime only for the appointment I used the telephonic method. Questionnaire methodMostly I used the proper sequencing of the questions I used rating scale method Reason I think that this type of question is very easy and attractive to give the answer for responder. I also used multiple choice type questions. Reason because this type of question is also easy for the respondent to give the answer. This is also helpful for build and reasonable analysis. Open ended this type of question I also used in the form of personal interview. investigate Design The design that is used in this project is exploratory design. The reason for choosing this design was to get clear response from the customers. I also used descriptive research design. que stion Instrument usedIn this research I used in the first place the structured questionnaire for getting the different type of information. Sample Size My attempt size for this research report was of 100 individuals. Fieldwork It includes well-favoured out in the field to collect required information and data from the touch on person. I used to visit major educational institutes, localities, markets, shops, malls usually area bracing conducting short interviews & giving awareness and for the promotion about the. Under this survey my main objective was to have an interaction with its exploiters and to arrive out their preferences. ANALYTICAL TOOLS USED distinct types of charts are used 1) Pie 2) Cylindrical Charts 3) tower Charts 4) Table of all percentage. About the ResearchParticularly about the project, this research was carried to know the Brand potency about the various brands of soft drinks in Indian merchandise on the rear of calculations of several cherish of eac h brand namely 1. regard as Of Memorization (VM) this is place of a brand which states the degree of remembrance of a peculiar(prenominal) brand. It tells that how much does one individual look on about the brand. 2. range Of tie beam (VA) this is the harbor of the brand which tells the degree of association of a brand for an individual to his personal life experiences. 3. Value Of comment (VD) this is the evaluate of the brand which tells the degree of a brand, that how much does it describes its features gibe to its brand name. 4.Value Of Motivation (VMo) this tells the value of the brand in the terms of the degree of motivating which the brand gives to the user to sully it. 5. Value Of Reurchase (VR) this tells the value of a brand agree to which it can be metrical and stated that an individual will buy the brand. Market Potency = VM*VA*VD*VMo*VR Softdrink Brands elect for Research 1. Pepsi 2. Coca-cola 3. Thums Up 4. Mountain Dew 5. faery 6. 7 Up 7. Maaza 8. Slic e 9. Mirinda 10. Fanta information Analysis & adaptation 1. People going for Brand wise or assay wise in soft drink brands? (out of 100) pic definition According to the above mentioned question, it was asked that whether the user have soft drinks on the basis of Brand or its taste.Therefore it can be interpreted from the above graph that 77% of the sample size goes for soft drinks on the basis of its taste whereas 23% of the sample size goes on the basis of its brand. Brandwise Tastewise 23 77 2. Average, utmost & lower limit age of the sample ? (out of 100) pic adaptation According to the interpretation of this graph we can purpose that the average age of the sample is of 23 years, level best age of the sample is of 49 years and lower limit age of the sample is of 16 years. Average Age 23 Maximum Age 49 lower limit Age 16 3. Value of committal to memory for each soft drink brand. pic InterpretationAccording to the diagram Brand Pepsi & Coke holds the maximum Value of Memorization among all the other brands i. e. these brands are quickly comes into the headspring of the consumers. Whereas Slice & fanta holds the least value of memorization (8%). On the scale of 5 Pepsi Coke Thums up Miranda Slice 4. 34 4. 19 4. 16 3. 48 3. 01 Maaza Mountain Dew poove 7 UP Fanta 3. 62 3. 58 3. 58 3. 29 2. 95 4. Value of buyback for each soft drink brand. picInterpretation According to the diagram Brand Pepsi, coke, Maaza & Thums Up holds the maximum Value of Repurchase among all the other brands (11%) i. e. these brands are advantageously buyd by the customers. Whereas Fanta holds the least value of redemption (8%). On the scale of 5 Pepsi Coke Thums up Miranda Slice 3. 54 3. 56 3. 82 3. 07 2. 97 Maaza Mountain Dew Sprite 7 UP Fanta 3. 61 3. 07 3. 29 2. 84 2. 49 5. Value of motivation for each soft drink brand. pic Interpretation According to the diagram Thums Up holds the maximum Value of Motivation among all the other brands (13%) i. e. this brand slow motivates the customers. Whereas Fanta holds the least value of motivation (8%). On the scale of 5 Pepsi Coke Thums up Miranda Slice 3. 43 3. 43 3. 76 2. 88 2. 83 Maaza Mountain Dew Sprite 7 UP Fanta 3. 28 3. 27 3. 19 2. 9 2. 37 6. Value of Association for each soft drink brand. pic InterpretationAccording to the diagram Pepsi holds the maximum Value of Association among all the other brands (13%) i. e. this brand is easily associated by the customers to their personal life experiences. Whereas, Fanta holds the least value of Association (7%). On the scale of 5 Pepsi Coke Thums up Miranda Slice 4. 43 4. 33 4. 47 3. 32 3 Maaza Mountain Dew Sprite 7 UP Fanta 3. 19 3. 59 3. 54 3. 43 2. 63 7. Value of Description for each soft drink brand. pic InterpretationAccording to the diagram Thums up & Mazza holds the maximum Value of Description among all the other brands (12%) i. e. this brand is easily Describes its brands name according to the taste and brand it holds. Whereas, Fanta holds the least value of Description (8%). On the scale of 5 Pepsi Coke Thums up Miranda Slice 3. 2 3. 51 3. 96 2. 86 3. 32 Maaza Mountain Dew Sprite 7 UP Fanta 3. 75 3. 29 3. 06 2. 95 2. 56 8. Which brand holds the maximum market potency ? This is the original question for which this whole research was carried on, he answer for the maximum market potency holder brand can be interpreted by the following charts pic pic Interpretation According to the above mentioned bar and chart it can clearly be known that in Indian Soft drink market specifically in Lucknow region Brand Thums Up has a maximum market Potency i. e. the brand Thums Up is very well known, remembered, and demended the most in the market by the consumers. voice wise Thums Up holds 22% of the total Brand Potency while Fanta holds the minimum market Potency. It can be find thoroughly that both the maximum and the minimum potency brands are owned by COCA COLA. Pepsi holds the triplet position with 15% of bran d potency.Above bar chart also deicts the brands with their levels in the analysis. Suggestions & Recommendations This research was oddly carried for only knowing the barnd name in the soft drink market of lucknow having the maximum market Potency which is Thums Up. It is suggested to Pepsico in Lucknow that it holds the third position in the research of market potency, which Pepsi brand holds. It is noticeable that the first positions are held by the competitors Coke. The company Pepsico should increase their marketing efforts. Limitations of the Study Though best efforts have been made to make the study fair, transparent, misplay free, there might be some inevitable and inherent limitations.Though I tried my level best to make this report most accurate, some of the limitations are as follows ? This study is valid for Lucknow city only. ? due to certain unavoidable reasons, it was not possible to cover each and every outlet such as holidays, absenteeism, running(a) closed etc. ? There may be some biased response. ? Some of the customers didnt provide dull data. ? Most of the customers were too busy to meet. ? Too much time consumed on some calls because of appointments and waiting. Conclusion Soft drink market whether on micro or macro scale, it is vast and enough with great opportunities. It is one of the industry which is not adversely affected by the deferral process.Demand for soft drink is still at large, which is resulting in the launch of new and more soft drink variants. Due to which also the companies are adopting aggressive market strategies. Although consumers are going for and liking every soft drink brand but definitely some brands have more value and demand in the market than compared to others. This research was carried out for knowing the brand having maximum market potency, which is Thums Up wherefore objective achieved. At the end of this report we can clearly conclude that Coke had been greatly got success in the local Lucknow marke t of soft drinks as the first two positions of maximum potency Brands are held by Thums Up (22%) and Coca cola (16%).This tells us that cokes marketing strategy is far more clear cut and accurate than its competitors Pepsico, Coke is very well understanding the mind of the local Lucknow Consumers, which is making coke and its other brands more preferred and desired by the consumers in Lucknow market than compared to Pepsicos Brands. Annexure NameAge.. Address.. Mob. No. Occupation. netmail. 1 Excellent2 Good3 Average4 Satisfactory5 Bad Questn 1 Which softdrink do you drink the most ?. Questn 2 You take in your softdrink on what basis ? Brand wise ()Taste wise ()Questn 3 How early and fast can you recall the following brands first? (rate from 1 to 5 for each) Pepsi Coke Thumbs Up Miranda Slice ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Maaza Mountain Dew Sprite 7 UP Fanta ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Questn 4 Priority wise tell that which brand will you repurchase again ? (rate from 1 to 5 for each) Pepsi Cok e Thumbs Up Miranda Slice ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Maaza Mountain Dew Sprite 7 UP Fanta ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Questn 5 Do you get attracted or find out move towards the following brands for the purpose of use ? Pepsi Coke Thumbs Up Miranda Slice ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Maaza Mountain Dew Sprite 7 UP Fanta ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Questn 6 be you aware of the company names of these brands ? rate from 1 to 5 for each) Pepsi Coke Thumbs Up Miranda Slice ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Maaza Mountain Dew Sprite 7 UP Fanta ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Questn 7 Do you feel that the following brand names vindicate their name with their purpose ? Pepsi Coke Thumbs Up Miranda Slice ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Maaza Mountain Dew Sprite 7 UP Fanta ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) picpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpic